Portfolio 2004

Ben Woodward • Whatever it takes
18" x 15" • 5-color offset lithograph
Borowsky Center for the Publication Arts, The University of the Arts

To purchase a print, contact info@philagrafika.org.

Ben Woodward attended Rhode Island School of Design. He is a founding member of Space 1026, an artists' collective whose members are inspired by graffiti, fantasy, cartoons, extreme sports, 'zines, stickers and adolescent notebook art. His work has been exhibited at The Institute of Contemporary Art, Moore College and Spector Gallery in Philadelphia; White Columns in New York and several venues in California. He is a featured artist of the Projet Mobilivre Bookmobile project and has produced many artist books.

Philagrafika 1616 Walnut Street, Ste. 918, Philadelphia, PA 19103 T: 215.557.8433 info@philagrafika.org